MP Deviation

Instability of the joints at the base of the finger (the knuckle joints) may allow the fingers to stray to the side or cross over or under each other, making it difficult to hold objects or work on a computer. If a finger cannot actively be brought into alignment with the adjacent finger, it may catch on things causing great pain. Splinting to hold two fingers together, or “buddying”, creates better alignment and improves function.

For Adduction or Abduction of the Fingers
Use the SilverRing™ Buddy Ring Splint to “buddy up” a straying finger with a neighboring finger. It is appropriate when there is stability in an adjoining finger, but not for ulnar drift of all digits due to rheumatoid arthritis.
Buddy Ring Offsets
Order the SilverRing™ Buddy Ring Splint with no offset, half offset or full offset between the rings. “No offset” positions the rings side by side, creating slight abduction of the fingers. “Full offset” positions one ring distal to the other ring to follow the webspace of the hand or to place one ring farther from the web space to assist with finger adduction.

Alignment of MPs
Use the SilverRing™ 2 ½ Buddy Ring Splint, which has two rings connected by a one-half ring, to align fingers that are abducting, crossing or have an extension lag. This type of deviation may arise following trauma, post polio or from tendon transfers. SilverRing™ 2 ½ Buddy Ring Splints can be compared to Relative Motion splints which are used to align the MPs to regain PIP flexion or extension.

Bowstringing Tendon
Use the SilverRing™ Pulley Ring Splint to manage bowstringing at the A-2 pulley. To determine the width of the ring, measure proximal to the PIP volar crease to allow full flexion. If a Pulley Ring will not fit tightly enough due to a large PIP joint, feel free to contact us about the Hinged Pulley Ring.
Shop for Pulley Rings >
Special Order Buddy Ring Splints
Aligning or stabilizing three or four fingers can be achieved with a Special Order Buddy Splint. These splints are designed to control the position of the MP joints in relationship to adjacent digits. Special Order Buddy Splints can be compared to Relative Motion splints which are used to align the MPs to regain PIP flexion or extension. All aspects of these splints can be customized to achieve specific goals, including band widths, offsets, half or full rings, etc. Please contact us to discuss ordering.
Shop for 2½ Buddy Splints >