For Thumb MCP Hyperextension

Use the SilverRing™ Thumb MCP Splint to block hyperextension of a MCP joint. Use on thumbs that can actively abduct; do not use on thumbs that are adducted. A bracelet is available to secure this splint on the thumb and can be worn multiple ways. Try crisscrossing bracelet to secure bracelet better around the wrist. Please note, all MCP Splints will now have a 25° bend in the proximal ring. The bend will allow for better function and support. Other options are:
- To block radial deviation (skiers thumb, game keepers thumb) both Ulnar Lateral Support and Proximal Radial Extension need to be added. Also, consider using Stable Thumb 3D Splint which provides more support. When extra supports are added the MCP splint will be sent unfinished to verify fit. One remake is allowed at no additional charge. Any further remakes or returns for credit will incur a 25% restocking fee