Thumb IP Problems

Hyperextension of the end of the thumb beyond the neutral position may result in a painful joint, decreased power when pinching and difficulty picking up or manipulating small objects. Without stabilizing or “blocking” the hyperextension, the deformity can become progressively worse, ultimately becoming stuck in the hyperextended position, making it impossible to pick up objects or write.

For Mild to Moderate Hyperextension
Use the SilverRing™ Swan Neck or SilverRing™ Spiral Splint for mild to moderate hyperextension (less than 30 degrees) of the IP joint of the thumb. This will greatly improve power and prehension of the thumb by stabilizing the joint without limiting flexion.
Shop for Swan Neck Splints >

For Severe Hyperextension
Use the SilverRing™ Boutonniere Splint, worn with the spacer under the IP joint, for more severe hyperextension (greater than 30 degrees). This splint allows full flexion while positioning the two rings farther from the joint for better leverage at a more comfortable angle.
Shop for Boutonniere Splints >

For General IP Instability
Use the SilverRing™ Spiral Splint to treat hyperextension and very mild lateral instability of the IP joint of the thumb. This splint allows full flexion and can be adjusted for enlarged joints. The spirals can be loosened or tightened, they can be spread apart or compressed to change the length, and the entire splint can be bent to adjust the angle at which the joint is held. Since this splint blocks hyperextension and helps with instability, prehension is more powerful and less painful. This splint will not be as strong as a Swan Neck Splint or Boutonniere Splint when blocking hyperextension and therefore can more easily be overpowered.
Shop for Spiral Splints >

For IP Lateral Deviation
Use the SilverRing™ Lateral Support Splint for lateral deviation of an IP joint that is not enlarged. Use the SIRIS™ Boutonniere Splint, worn with the spacer on the side, for lateral deviation of an enlarged IP joint.
Shop for Lateral Support Splints >

For IP Extension
The SilverRing™ Spiral Splint is a comfortable way to hold the IP joint in extension. When the center of the splint is positioned on top of the IP joint, flexion is blocked. This is one of the best solutions for Trigger Thumb.
Shop for Spiral Splints >