- Abduction – spread apart
- Adduction – bring together
- Boutonniere – joint assumes a flexed (bent) position
- Bowstringing – pulling of the tendon away from the bone in the finger because of a disruption of the sheath which normally holds a tendon in place
- Contracture – joint assumes a flexed (bent) position
- Deviation – movement to the side or departure from a straight line in a sideways direction
- DIP – distal interphalangeal joint; joint farthest away from the hand (closest to the nail)
- Distal – away from the hand, farthest from the hand
- Dorsal – back of the hand/finger
- Edema – swelling
- Extension mobilization – to move from a bent position to an extended position
- Flexion – bending
- Flexor tendon – tendon which bends the finger
- Fusiform – spindle-shaped; wide in the middle and narrow at each end
- Hyperextension – extension or straightening of a joint past the neutral (zero degrees) or straight position
- Hypermobile – abnormal laxity of the joint in one or more directions
- IP – interphalangeal joint of the thumb; joint farthest away from the base of the thumb (closest to the nail)
- Lateral – side, sideways
- Lateral deviation – movement to the side
- Mallet finger – inability to actively straighten the DIP joint
- MCP – metacarpal phalangeal joint of the finger or thumb; joint at the base of the finger (knuckle joint) or joint closest to the base of the thumb
- MCP flexion – bending at the metacarpal phalangeal joint
- Neutral position – a straight position or zero degrees
- PIP – proximal interphalangeal joint; middle finger joint
- Prehension – the act of grasping with the fingers
- Proximal – toward the hand, closest to the hand
- A1-A2 pulley – sheath that holds the flexor tendon close to the bone
- Radial – “thumb” side of the finger
- Range of motion – the range through which a joint can move from neutral (zero degrees) to a fully flexed position
- Reducible – to lessen or correct; to restore to normal
- Subluxation – partial dislocation of a joint; joint surfaces no longer in contact with each other causing abnormal joint motion
- Swan neck – joint assumes a hyper-extended position
- Tenosynovitis – inflammation of the tendon
- “Tip-to-tip” prehension – using the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger or index and middle fingers to grasp
- Ulnar – “little finger” side of the finger
- Ulnar drift – deviation toward the ulnar side
- Volar – palm side of the hand/finger
- Volar crease – crease directly under the joint (palmer side)
- Webspace – space between the fingers/thumb
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